Example of VisualApp for recommendations

Visual analysis is an important part of the models evaluation process. Let’s see how to use interactive Jupyter widgets for visualization with RecTools

visuals extension for rectools is required to run this notebook. You can install it with pip install rectools[visuals]

Table of Contents

import pandas as pd

from rectools import Columns
from rectools.visuals import VisualApp, ItemToItemVisualApp

Prepare data

Imagine we have movie recommendations task. We trained a model and calculated recommendations for a set of users. Now we want to visualize results. Researcher usually wants to see both user’s interactions history with the items, his recommended items from the model and also some additional item data.

interactions = pd.DataFrame({
    "user_id": [10, 10, 20],
    "item_id": [1, 2, 4],
user_id item_id
0 10 1
1 10 2
2 20 4
reco = pd.DataFrame({
    "user_id": [10, 10, 20, 20],
    "item_id": [4, 0, 1, 2],
    "rank": [1, 2, 1, 2],
    "model": ["Random model"] * 4
user_id item_id rank model
0 10 4 1 Random model
1 10 0 2 Random model
2 20 1 1 Random model
3 20 2 2 Random model
item_data = pd.DataFrame({
    "item_id": range(5),
    "name": ["Green book", "Meir from Easttown", "True detective", "Oppenheimer", "John Wick"],
    "jenre": ["drama", "detective", "detective", "drama", "action"],
    "img_url": [
item_id name jenre img_url
0 0 Green book drama https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-kinopoisk-i...
1 1 Meir from Easttown detective https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-kinopoisk-i...
2 2 True detective detective https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-kinopoisk-i...
3 3 Oppenheimer drama https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-kinopoisk-i...
4 4 John Wick action https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-kinopoisk-i...

Simple visualization example

Now we wan’t to visualize recommedations for users in a conveninent and interactive way using RecTools VisualApp.

[ ]:
app = VisualApp.construct(
    selected_users={"detective user": 10, "action user": 20},  # users that we want to visualise
    formatters={"img_url": lambda x: f"<img src={x} width=100>"}  # process "img_url" links to html code
If you run this notebook, you will get interactive widgets with active buttons to select users.
For offline presentation we keep static screenshots of the actual app.



Details on VisualApp features

1. How to process pd.DataFrame values into any desired html code (e.g. display actual images from links)

For this we need to prepare the formatters dict. Dataframe column names are keys and functions to generate html code are values. You can process any columns present in the app

def image_html(url: str) -> str:
    return '<img src="' + url + '" style=max-height:150px;"/>'

formatters={"img_url":image_html}  # "img_url" here is a name of the column in `item_data`

2. How to add random users for visualization

Just pass n_random_users with the desired amount. Users will be selected from those that are present in recommendations


3. How to pass multiple models for visualization

For this you can just add recommendations from another model to the same reco dataframe and write different model name in “model” column.
Or alternatively you can create a TablesDict with model names as keys and model recommendations dataframes as values. Just like in the example below:
reco = {
    "model_1": pd.DataFrame({Columns.User: [10, 20], Columns.Item: [3, 4], Columns.Score: [0.99, 0.9]}),
    "model_2": pd.DataFrame({Columns.User: [10, 20], Columns.Item: [2, 0], Columns.Rank: [1, 1]})

4. How to save VisualApp and easily access the same widgets later

Jupyter widgets disappear when notebook is closed. To recreate the same widgets use save and load methods of VisualApp.

app = VisualApp.construct(
    auto_display=False  # prevent widgets from displaying

# Next time just run:
# app = VisualApp.load("sample_app", formatters=formatters)

5. Hot to visualize item-to-item recommendations

For this case use ItemToItemVisualApp. Interface is almost the same, but there is no need for interactions now. Remember to specify target items in Columns.TargetItem column in recommendations

[ ]:
reco = {
    "model_1": pd.DataFrame({Columns.TargetItem: [1, 2], Columns.Item: [3, 4], Columns.Score: [0.99, 0.9]}),
    "model_2": pd.DataFrame({Columns.TargetItem: [1, 2], Columns.Item: [2, 1], Columns.Rank: [1, 1]})

Final app example

  • item-to-item recommendations

  • multiple models comparison

  • random targets

  • custom html code for column with images

[ ]:
app = ItemToItemVisualApp.construct(
If you run this notebook, you will get interactive widgets with active buttons to select items and models.
For offline presentation we keep static screenshots of the actual app.

