Example of model selection using cross-validation with RecTools

  • CV split

  • Training a variety of models

  • Measuring a variety of metrics

from pprint import pprint

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from tqdm.auto import tqdm

from implicit.nearest_neighbours import TFIDFRecommender, BM25Recommender
from implicit.als import AlternatingLeastSquares

from rectools import Columns
from rectools.dataset import Dataset
from rectools.metrics import Precision, Recall, MeanInvUserFreq, Serendipity, calc_metrics
from rectools.models import ImplicitItemKNNWrapperModel, RandomModel, PopularModel
from rectools.model_selection import TimeRangeSplitter, cross_validate

Load data

!wget -q https://files.grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/ml-1m.zip -O ml-1m.zip
!unzip -o ml-1m.zip
!rm ml-1m.zip
Archive:  ml-1m.zip
  inflating: ml-1m/movies.dat
  inflating: ml-1m/ratings.dat
  inflating: ml-1m/README
  inflating: ml-1m/users.dat
CPU times: user 53 ms, sys: 40.2 ms, total: 93.2 ms
Wall time: 3.15 s
ratings = pd.read_csv(
    engine="python",  # Because of 2-chars separators
    names=[Columns.User, Columns.Item, Columns.Weight, Columns.Datetime],
(1000209, 4)
CPU times: user 4.51 s, sys: 198 ms, total: 4.71 s
Wall time: 4.76 s
user_id item_id weight datetime
0 1 1193 5 978300760
1 1 661 3 978302109
2 1 914 3 978301968
3 1 3408 4 978300275
4 1 2355 5 978824291
ratings["user_id"].nunique(), ratings["item_id"].nunique()
(6040, 3706)
4    348971
3    261197
5    226310
2    107557
1     56174
Name: weight, dtype: int64
ratings["datetime"] = pd.to_datetime(ratings["datetime"] * 10 ** 9)
print("Time period")
ratings["datetime"].min(), ratings["datetime"].max()
Time period
(Timestamp('2000-04-25 23:05:32'), Timestamp('2003-02-28 17:49:50'))

Create Dataset class. It’s a wrapper for interactions. User and item features can also be added (see next examples for details).

dataset = Dataset.construct(ratings)
CPU times: user 54.7 ms, sys: 15.5 ms, total: 70.3 ms
Wall time: 70.1 ms

Prepare cross-validation splitter

We’ll use last 3 periods of 2 weeks to validate our models.

n_splits = 3

splitter = TimeRangeSplitter(
[(Timestamp('2003-01-18 00:00:00', freq='14D'),
  Timestamp('2003-02-01 00:00:00', freq='14D')),
 (Timestamp('2003-02-01 00:00:00', freq='14D'),
  Timestamp('2003-02-15 00:00:00', freq='14D')),
 (Timestamp('2003-02-15 00:00:00', freq='14D'),
  Timestamp('2003-03-01 00:00:00', freq='14D'))]

For test folds left border is always included in fold and the right one is excluded.

Train folds don’t have left border, and the right one is always excluded.

Train models

# Take few simple models to compare
models = {
    "random": RandomModel(random_state=42),
    "popular": PopularModel(),
    "most_raited": PopularModel(popularity="sum_weight"),
    "tfidf_k=5": ImplicitItemKNNWrapperModel(model=TFIDFRecommender(K=5)),
    "tfidf_k=10": ImplicitItemKNNWrapperModel(model=TFIDFRecommender(K=10)),
    "bm25_k=10_k1=0.05_b=0.1": ImplicitItemKNNWrapperModel(model=BM25Recommender(K=5, K1=0.05, B=0.1)),

# We will calculate several classic (precision@k and recall@k) and "beyond accuracy" metrics
metrics = {
    "prec@1": Precision(k=1),
    "prec@10": Precision(k=10),
    "recall": Recall(k=10),
    "novelty": MeanInvUserFreq(k=10),
    "serendipity": Serendipity(k=10),

K_RECS = 10

# For each fold generate train and test part of dataset
# Then fit every model, generate recommendations and calculate metrics

cv_results = cross_validate(
CPU times: user 14.2 s, sys: 714 ms, total: 14.9 s
Wall time: 14.9 s

We can get some split stats

i_split start end train train_users train_items test test_users test_items
0 0 2003-01-18 2003-02-01 998083 6040 3706 630 75 540
1 1 2003-02-01 2003-02-15 998713 6040 3706 899 57 704
2 2 2003-02-15 2003-03-01 999612 6040 3706 597 66 501

And the main result is metrics

model i_split prec@1 prec@10 recall novelty serendipity
0 random 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 6.539622 0.000000
1 popular 0 0.053333 0.024000 0.037410 1.580736 0.000123
2 most_raited 0 0.053333 0.026667 0.042251 1.592543 0.000151
3 tfidf_k=5 0 0.053333 0.021333 0.023866 2.361189 0.000465
4 tfidf_k=10 0 0.026667 0.021333 0.039926 2.137451 0.000327
5 bm25_k=10_k1=0.05_b=0.1 0 0.026667 0.029333 0.046645 1.781881 0.000271
6 random 1 0.000000 0.001754 0.017544 6.489885 0.000054
7 popular 1 0.052632 0.057895 0.015707 1.588414 0.000183
8 most_raited 1 0.035088 0.056140 0.009919 1.600628 0.000155
9 tfidf_k=5 1 0.052632 0.057895 0.048591 2.326116 0.002616
10 tfidf_k=10 1 0.052632 0.052632 0.010033 2.143504 0.000917
11 bm25_k=10_k1=0.05_b=0.1 1 0.070175 0.059649 0.010321 1.809416 0.000341
12 random 2 0.000000 0.004545 0.000956 6.535055 0.000608
13 popular 2 0.045455 0.042424 0.039984 1.656638 0.000450
14 most_raited 2 0.045455 0.039394 0.024521 1.668108 0.000332
15 tfidf_k=5 2 0.090909 0.050000 0.039606 2.378988 0.001500
16 tfidf_k=10 2 0.060606 0.051515 0.053531 2.206921 0.001346
17 bm25_k=10_k1=0.05_b=0.1 2 0.090909 0.039394 0.038426 1.901316 0.000397

Let’s now aggregate metrics by folds and compare models


pivot_results = ( pd.DataFrame(cv_results["metrics"]) .drop(columns="i_split") .groupby(["model"], sort=False) .agg(["mean", "std"]) ) mean_metric_subset = [(metric, "mean") for metric in pivot_results.columns.levels[0]] ( pivot_results.style .highlight_min(subset=mean_metric_subset, color='lightcoral', axis=0) .highlight_max(subset=mean_metric_subset, color='lightgreen', axis=0) )
  prec@1 prec@10 recall novelty serendipity
  mean std mean std mean std mean std mean std
random 0.000000 0.000000 0.002100 0.002292 0.006167 0.009865 6.521521 0.027493 0.000220 0.000336
popular 0.050473 0.004360 0.041440 0.016969 0.031034 0.013335 1.608596 0.041782 0.000252 0.000174
most_raited 0.044625 0.009151 0.040734 0.014782 0.025564 0.016192 1.620426 0.041491 0.000213 0.000103
tfidf_k=5 0.065625 0.021900 0.043076 0.019239 0.037354 0.012516 2.355431 0.026902 0.001527 0.001076
tfidf_k=10 0.046635 0.017747 0.041827 0.017757 0.034497 0.022252 2.162626 0.038480 0.000863 0.000512
bm25_k=10_k1=0.05_b=0.1 0.062584 0.032787 0.042792 0.015441 0.031797 0.019048 1.830871 0.062541 0.000337 0.000063
